Using Brick Chips and Stone Chips

 Using Brick Chips and Stone Chips

Use of Construction work

Both stone chips and brick chips are used in house construction. Some important aspects of using stone chips and brick chips are highlighted below.

How to get good quality concrete using brick chips?

Brick chips have more voids.
That is why generally in our country the strength of concrete buildings made with presumptive mixing ratio starts to decrease after 10-15 years.

πŸŒ‡In order to get good quality concrete with brick chips, the ratio of cement and sand has to be increased.

πŸŒ‡ Using brick chips to get concrete of 3500 psi, instead of 1 : 2 : 4 volumetric ratio, mixing should be done in 1 : 1.5 : 2.5 ratio.

πŸŒ‡ Care should also be taken in the selection of brick chips, red and burnt brick chips instead of yellowish bricks give better quality concrete.

πŸŒ‡ It must be washed well before use.

πŸŒ‡ In this case, using PCC cement instead of OPC will give better results.

πŸŒ‡The amount of water should also be determined by measuring the value of the slump every hour. If the value of this slump is between 50mm-100mm, compaction after concrete mixing and casting is easy.

How to get good quality concrete using stone chips?

πŸŒ‡ Stone mortar for making concrete is of thin-flat type and cannot expand.

πŸŒ‡ There should be coordination of different sizes in case of stone quarry.

πŸŒ‡The empty spaces of the large-sized stone khoya are filled with small-shaped khoya.

πŸŒ‡It is best to use 12 mm and 20 mm size stone chips in 40:60 ratio to get good grade course aggregate.

πŸŒ‡ Stoneware should be washed before use.

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