What is civil Engineering?

 What is civil Engineering?

Civil engineering is one of the oldest and one of the branches of the engineering profession with Bengali Civil Engineering

Why study civil engineering?

For good reason, this branch is on the list of students who are interested in engineering all over the world. A strategy is for those who dream of building a country. A civil engineer helps in the planning and implementation of infrastructure development projects. It is very easy to achieve success in this profession if you have technical skills and creativity. The role of a civil engineer is very important for the housing sector, ensuring better communication systems or natural disaster tolerant and sustainable industrial development. Engineering Science of Design, Construction and Maintenance. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering in the world, the thing that comes to mind is civil engineering. A common man imagines a civil engineer as an engineer. Civil engineering has flourished since the dawn of civilization. There is no place in Bangladesh where civil engineers have not touched. Civil engineering is the oldest, largest and the combination of all engineering knowledge

Engineering is called the mother of knowledge. The oldest, largest and synthesis of all engineering knowledge.
Its parts are given below:

1. Structural Engineering 
2. Geotechnical Engineering 
3. Transportation Engineering 
4. Water Resource Engineering 
5. Environmental Engineering 
6. Earthquake Engineering 
7. Urban Planning Engineering 

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